Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Aurora awakes

Well, spring has come to Ontario. Kind of. It snowed this morning, but I'm getting good spring vibes. Plus I read that it's going to be 17 above on Friday. So, SPRING! 

 Life's been interesting lately. Also very busy, hence the non posting. I found out last week that I've been accepted into my two top universities, so HURRAY! I'll be studying music education this fall! Audition success! 

Now that my school schedule has cleared up considerably, I've also had a lot more time to practice, which makes me very happy. 

Lately I've been thinking back to last May when I was part of a really cool auditioned wind orchestra for a week. It was intense; we had about nine hours of rehearsal sometimes. There were also only four flutes, and I was the only person on my part, so there was a lot of pressure to get things right. But we also did things like visiting the Toronto Symphony's dress rehearsal, listening to the Eastman Wind Ensemble, and eating way too much pizza. I got to play some beautiful music (including 'Aurora Awakes') with a lot of incredibly talented people.

So I have a lot of hope for the next six years of my life, if it can be anything like last year. I'm so lucky to be able to study what I really love. 

Regular obsessive baking posts will return shortly. 

Happy spring,


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