Saturday, January 25, 2014

Chocolate Truffle Ice Cream

Chocolate: Spanish Dance by London Symphony Orchestra on Grooveshark
 So I accidentally created something delicious this weekend,

I was not at all intending to be making ice cream in the middle of January. What I wanted to make was a recipe for chocolate truffles made with coconut milk which I saw on the super cool website "The Bojon Gourmet". You should read her recipe - it's hilarious and includes a story about a dead pig hanging from the ceiling of a cold room. 

Unfortunately, I decided to conveniently forget the section of the recipe where it says 'only use 70% chocolate or else your ganache will be way too runny and it won't work' and I decided in my infinite wisdom to use chocolate chips. After a very sad 24 hours of praying that the pudding like substance in my fridge would somehow solidify, I decided that I needed to improvise. I added more milk, whisked it up, and stuck it in the freezer overnight. Yum! 

Here's how to make it if you don't want to  make a batch of failed truffles beforehand: 

In a saucepan, combine a can of full fat coconut milk, a big pinch of cayenne pepper, a pinch of salt, and two or three cinnamon sticks. Cook on medium heat until it's steamy and starts to bubble around the edge. Then reduce to low and simmer covered for 20 minutes. 

Measure six ounces of semi-sweet chocolate chips into a large bowl or a measuring cup. Strain the hot coconut milk on top of the chocolate, and leave to sit without stirring for 2-3 minutes (this allows the chocolate to melt properly), then stir to combine. 

Let the mixture cool to room temperature, then you can either put it into a tupperware container and place it in the freezer, stirring every half hour until frozen, or just put it in an ice cream maker if you're making a double recipe. 

Julia Child once said: "Always remember: If you're alone in the kitchen and you drop the lamb, you can always just pick it up. Who's going to know?" 

Be fearless, internet friends.When life gives you runny ganache, make ice cream, because who's going to know? And if it doesn't, make ice cream anyway, because it's delicious and you deserve it, damn it!

Hope exams go well for you all. 


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